Everything done at St George’s celebrates the continuing action of God’s Holy Spirit in ourselves, in others and in the world around us. In celebrating life we are worshipping God. “The glory of God is humankind fully alive,” so said St. Irenaeus. Our main act of worship, therefore, is the enjoyment given to us by the people we meet and the activities in which we engage. Thus the Chapel is the heart that pumps the lifeblood that enlivens everything else that we do around St George’s.
Our Chapel services cover many things but the three main aspects are the celebration of the Eucharist (the Mass), the Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and the necessary preparation for these special events. We also use the Chapel periods for themed presentations as and when necessary. For example, talks on topics that are relevant to students at a particular stage of development, ceremonies to mark special events in the life of the school, such as Prefects’ Inductions.
In the Chapel, we exercise reverence and worship of our Lord and God.