To donate towards the current College Projects, click here. Thank you

To donate towards the current College Projects, click here. Thank you


Everything done at St George’s celebrates the continuing action of God’s Holy Spirit in ourselves, others and the world around us. In celebrating life we are worshipping God. “The glory of God is humankind fully alive”, so said St. Irenaeus. Therefore, our main act of worship is the enjoyment given to us by the people we meet and the activities in which we engage.

College Chapel Services are designed to underline this fundamental truth. At them, we also celebrate the forgiveness and mercy of God, in recognising our failures to Him and one another. But for the Catholics among us, worship culminates in the Eucharist, which is the celebration of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the love that we have for one another.

The Chaplaincy is responsible for the religious activities at the College, Service Projects, Interact, Days of Recollection, Retreats, Christian Life Community (CLC), and Crusaders of the Blessed Sacrament. It also works in conjunction with the personal counseling facility as explained below. Some of these activities are optional. In particular, some Chapel Services and Days of Recollection are for all students. All students wanting to enter Lower Six participate in Service Projects.

In addition, the Chaplaincy operates outside the normal disciplinary structure of the school and students should feel free to use its counseling services, safe in the knowledge that their confidentiality will be respected. Any member of staff who is willing to be a Chaplain may be part of the Chaplaincy Counselling Team.

At present, the Chaplaincy uses the R.E. room, which is open to students and the guidance room.

Fr. George Bwanali SJ