St George’s College has its own boarding facilities, accommodating up to +/- 120 students (male) from Forms 1-6. The boarding programme adopts all St George’s College policies and procedures with specific policies and procedures for boarding where applicable.
The general principles which apply in boarding relate to the care, welfare, development and safety of the students.
Boarding Mission Statement
We believe in and strive for: Independence, Responsibility, Respect, Tolerance, Progress and Achievement.
This will be achieved through:
- creating a sense of belonging, where everyone feels a valued member of the community;
- developing role models to whom we can admire, respect, relate to and seek out for guidance;
- promoting a sense of accomplishment through recognition for doing our best, whatever it is,on personal, social and academic levels;
- generating fun and excitement, curiosity and creativity on the trail to learning;
- encouraging the spirit of adventure, understanding and appreciating what it means to take arisk and be successful, or to fail and try again;
- promoting opportunities for leadership and responsibility, by expressing our ideas and acceptingthe consequences of our actions.
Target Population
The boarding element of St George’s College aims to attract students from the following sources:
1. Students who live outside Harare city environs;
2. Day scholars currently attending St George’s College, whose home circumstances have changed
and for whom boarding will maintain continuity of schooling; 3. Students with an identified ‘boarding need’.
To identify and develop the potential of each student through a rich and vibrant boarding experience, enabling them to flourish and become independent people ready to face the challenges of a global community.
The Boarding staff and students should actively foster the principle of respect for each individual, including his property and opinions. Positive behaviour and inter-personal relationships will emanate from this basic principle, and will be encouraged by rewards, privileges and sanctions, as appropriate.
Behaviour and Discipline
All boarders are made aware of the standards of behaviour expected of them. This includes an expectation of honesty and reliability, and a general consideration of the needs of others. If this is the broad expectation, we believe most aspects of good behaviour will follow.
Poor behaviour or disobedience is primarily dealt with by discussion, reinforcing expectations,
and further misdemeanours are dealt with by loss of privileges, or additional sanctions, such as exclusion from activities or other restrictions.
1. To provide a supportive base, where everyone feels a valued member of the community; 2. To provide a disciplined and caring environment that gives stability and continuity of care; 3. To provide and maintain surroundings which meets the needs of boarders;
2. To promote the social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of the boarders, developing role models whom we can admire and respect.
There is a commitment to providing quality training and staff support, appropriate to the needs of both staff and students. Training needs are assessed and suitable courses or in-house training is available. The aim is to keep the staff up-to-date with current practice and to help individual enthusiasm for their work to be maintained.
The Headmaster carries overall responsibility for boarding, whilst delegating management to the Head of Boarding. The Head of Boarding is responsible for all aspects of pastoral care, including:
1. Establishment of boarding policy and management principles;
2. Promoting and sustaining the boarding facilities/environment within the school and beyond; 3. Progressing staff training and evaluation;
4. Promotion of boarding and the recruitment of students and staff;
5. Oversight of the safety, welfare, health and progress of all boarders;
6. Liaison with parents/guardians, schools and; agencies;
7. Implementation of policies in force and legal requirements;
8. Keeping all records and maintaining administrative systems;
Boarding Management Team
The Boarding Management Team meets formally once per half term in order to ensure appropriate monitoring and supervision of the boarding provision. The team consists of the following staff:
Headmaster – Mr John Farrelly
Head of Boarding – Mr Ronnie Maposa
Teacher in Charge of Boarding – Mr Tapiwa Mungate.
The team ensures effective management of boarding and organisation between the day school, boarding and other parts of the school administration.