After concluding the construction of our Fr Michael Ross SJ Science Centre, this major development was not seen in isolation as the College then made a strategic decision to redefine all the learning spaces around the College, in order to remain relevant in today’s modern world. Numerous classrooms have been refurbished into contemporary learning spaces enabling our students and staff to learn and teach in a dynamic environment.
Special thanks go to the generosity of the OG (Alumni) community who raised more than USD 60,000, which went towards the construction and refurbishment of some of the new classrooms at the College.
This is project is ongoing and we look forward to completing these refurbishments in the near future.
The entire Mathematics Department has now relocated into these re- defined learning spaces. The Resource Centre, Computer Network Manager’s office and the IT Technicians’ Lab were all re-located to more suitable areas.
The learning spaces that used to be occupied by the old science laboratories have been completely re-configured and refurbished. We have increased student numbers for Information Technology (IT) and Computer Science/CISCO at Sixth Form Level. One of the old Biology Laboratories in the Bulawayo Wing has been refurbished and now accommodates all classes for Information Technology (IT) and Computer Science. The beautiful hardwood from the old laboratory benches has been re-crafted in our own workshops into work benches for desk-top computers.
The College Strategic Plan advocated increased availability for support and remedial teaching at the College. The completely refurbished Educentre (Rooms 17a and b), was opened in 2020 with a qualified teacher in Special Educational Needs (SEN)
and this now provides support for students throughout the school.
One of the first benefits of the additional learning spaces created after the building of the Fr Michael Ross SJ Science
Centre, was the refurbishment of the two old biology laboratories into Design and Technology Laboratories. One of the
initiatives of the School Development Plan was to introduce practical subjects into the curriculum.
Refurbishment of these spaces was completed after consultation with staff and students. Design and Technology is
now taught from Form Three to upper Six. We are currently the only school in Zimbabwe offering the electronic
component of this syllabus. In 2019, one of our students achieved the highest mark in Zimbabwe at Advanced level in
this subject.
The beautiful old hard wood laboratory benches were recycled in our own workshops providing modern work surfaces for this subject.
The Music Department was finally given a home in 2020, occupying the space previously used for the Resource Centre. This area below the Loyola Hall had been used in years gone by as the Armoury and a Weights Room. The Loyola Music Centre now offers a number of individual and group practice rooms and Office.
Amongst all of these specialist learning spaces, the continual refurbishment and upgrading of general classrooms continues. Eleven classrooms have been completed so far, each with Wifi connectivity. More classrooms will be refurbished in the near future.