Head of Department: Mr B. Brider.
Member of Staff : Mr T. Gwariro.
IGCSE Level (Form 3 & 4)
The syllabus provides learners with an opportunity to study both the practical and theoretical aspects of physical education. It is designed to encourage enjoyment in physical activity by providing learners with an opportunity to take part in a range of physical activities and develop an understanding of effective and safe physical performance. This helps learners to develop an appreciation of the necessity for sound understanding of the principles, practices and training that underpin improved performance, better health and well-being.
AS & A Level (Sixth Form)
The purpose of the course is to enable students to use the theory knowledge gained to improve their performance and conversely to use what they know from their physical activities to help them understand the theory coursework. The ultimate goal from CIE seems to be oriented towards coaching.
My departmental aims are to create a rounded sportsman, who has a good working knowledge of what he is doing and why he is doing it, so that he can improve his own performance and that of others. I also encourage a pro-active initiative, as this course lends itself to them being in control of their practical coursework.
Entry requirements, ideally, are an A or B at IGCSE level in Biology and English Language. There is a large and difficult Biology section at both levels. Section C requires a good command of English for clear expression, as essay-style answers are required.
The course content is as follows:
AS Level (Lower 6)
Section A : Anatomy and Physiology
Section B : Acquiring, Developing & Performing Motor Skills
Section C : A Contemporary Study of PE & Sport ( focus on the UK)
There are 3 compulsory questions, one per section, (divided into a number of shorter questions) each carrying 30 marks. Weighting 70%.
Each of 2 chosen activities from various categories are marked based on specific criteria, and are filmed for moderation. Drill -type activitiea are required at this level, as well as footage of competitive situations.
An action plan on one of their chosen activities must be produced in writing ( minimum 10 A4 sides) following specific parameters.
Each activity and the action plan are marked out of 30. Weighting 30%. ( 20% for the activities and 10 % for the Action Plan)
A2 Level (Upper 6)
Section A : Exercise and Sport Physiology
Section B : Psychology of Sports Performance
Section C : Olympic Games , a Global perspective
The activities offered change a little, for example weight training becomes weight lifting. They may change the activities chosen, if they so wish. Marking is stricter and focuses more on times and distances than the performance quality required of AS candidates. Only competitive footage is required at this level.
The activity carrying the 10% weighting changes to a synoptic oral presentation on another student, performing one of the candidate’s chosen activities. He must assess and evaluate their performance of a selected skill , offering a program for their improvement. All coursework from their AS & A2 years must be used to support and underpin their commentary. It needs to be approximately 10-15 minutes long and they may not use notes.
If both years are covered the weighting is 50% for each year. However candidates may opt to stop at the end of the AS year and take their result as their final mark.
Filming of their various matches is done by me at all home games both at St George’s and any away games in Harare. The purpose of this is to provide evidence to support the marks given for their 2 practical activities. They have , since last year, been editing their own footage, with guidance from Mr. Koschke, a parent who is in the filming and editing business. This is to encourage their personal input into their coursework and give them an added skill for the future.
As far as uses of this course are concerned it lends itself, quite obviously to teaching, coaching and personal training. It can also be a springboard to physiotherapy, sports psychotherapy ( with further training) or other jobs relating to the support of professional athletes.
Career Prospects:
Apart from the very real application of this subject to their personal lives, particularly in relation to a lifetime of leisure activity, this subject lends itself to a career in Personal Training, the Army, Coaching, Teaching, Emergency Medical Care, Chiropractics, and Physiotherapy. Qualifying as a Physiologist would require a shorter period of training.