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To donate towards the current College Projects, click here. Thank you


Head Of Department: Mr N. Vengayi.

Members of Staff: Mrs B. Dean, Mrs S. Mudavanhu, Mrs L. Nyahwata, Ms L. Nyamwanza and Mr A. Garande.

Aims of the Department

Religious Education is at the heart of the College and day-to-day life; it is the raison d-être of every Jesuit institute of learning. Its aim is to help students get in touch with their inner selves to realise that each person is a gift from the Creator to other persons and therefore has a calling to respond accordingly. Ideally, this is nurtured through the structures of religion. Although the focus here is the Catholic Christian religion, the intention is that through lessons and religious services students of non-Christian faiths will also be encouraged to deepen their respective faiths.


Form 1

  • An overview of the Catholic Faith.
  • An Ignatian Unit introducing the students to St Ignatius of Loyola and the early Jesuits, the goal of Jesuit Education, an understanding of some Jesuit terminology that they will frequently encounter.

Form 2

  • A study of the life of Jesus Christ

Form 3

  • The Mass, Sacraments, Prayer, the Liturgical Calendar

Form 4

  • How to make Moral Decisions

In the Sixth Form, the students of each form are in groups that have a session each with five teachers. The topics covered include:

  • Social Justice, Prophets, the Comparative Study of Religion
  • Prophetic Voices of Today, Personal Morality, Structural Morality
  • Social Teachings of the Church, Christian Lifestyles in Relationships
  • Journey in Faith, Ignatian Spirituality, Restorative Justice and the papal encyclical Laudato Si

Religious Education also has its pastoral side. Junior, Middle and Senior school each have a chapel service once per cycle. This takes the form of either the Celebration of the Eucharist, or a Reconciliation service, or a Liturgy of the Hours. Singing practices also occur from time to time. All Chapel services are compulsory for all students. Christian Life Communities (CLC), Crusaders and Bible Club are activities where life issues are shared and the spiritual life nourished.

Days of Recollection are offered to each year group where they can move out of their daily routines and set aside times for reflection and spiritual renewal. The Upper Sixth Form is offered a directed Retreat in Daily Life; only a limited number can be accommodated at any one time.

The Department, in conjunction with others, encourages the students to become Men and Women For and With Others. Much success is achieved through the positive contribution of many seniors. The department’s aim is to form leaders of competence, conscience and compassionate commitment in imitation of Jesus Christ our Saviour.